Friday, November 18, 2011

Cornstalks and Color

The cornstalks on either side of the garage door are from our garden plot.

Our very own blaze of fall color.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Putting the Garden Plot to Bed for the Winter

Bruce was able to get burlap bags from a local coffee roasting company.

Leaves and old straw are layered under the bags.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Snow Peas on the Patio

A couple of years ago my sister-in-law, Alison, grew snow peas in her garden in Vermont. I was insanely jealous. I had never even considered snow peas as something I could grow -- you either ate them in a Chinese restaurant or paid $$$$$ for them at the grocery store.

This summer, on our way to visit son John at Boy Scout camp, we stopped at Nichol's Garden Nursery in Albany, Oregon. We enjoyed the trial garden out back and then visited the store, where I bought a quarter pound of snow pea seeds. I planted lots in our community garden plot and quite a few in pots at home.

The plants have been very productive; we've been enjoying fresh, organic snow peas for weeks. The only down-side is trying to keep up with the harvesting!

Click on the photos to enlarge and see detail (look for the pea pods).

I am joining the Tuesday Garden Party at An Oregon Cottage.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


A perfect petite pumpkin.

Big pumpkin, little pumpkin. The big one was grown by our garden plot neighbors and shared with us. The little one cost a quarter at Krueger Farm Stand.

John lined these up by size. He grew the two in the middle.

We Grew Corn!

I have joined the Garden Party at An Oregon Cottage!

This ear is ripe and ready to pick.

John gives it a twist and pulls it off.

It's a bi-color ear! Look at those plump, perfect kernels!

Hot and ready to eat. Yum!

Thursday, September 29, 2011


There's a family of large raccoons that live in the tree behind our neighbor's yard. They all came out to play yesterday afternoon.

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Little Gourds

Small warted ornamental mix. From the garden.

Greens growing on the back patio.